How It Works
Dr. Fisher Fisher Traction Demonstrations
How to use your Fisher Traction neck device:
- Attach red loop to outside door's knob then close securely.
- Lay on your back with your head towards the door, the release strap in one hand and Fisher Traction in your other hand stretched at full length touching your chin.
- With both hands, pull the head harness behind your head and secure over the base of your skull aligned over your ears, than let go slowly to feel the pulling begin.
How to use your Fisher Traction low back device:
- Attach red loop around the outside door's knob then close door to secure the anchor.
- Sit down facing the door with your feet touching door than place hip harness down onto your hips below your spine tighten with slide knob.
- Lay back with the release strap in your hand than use your feet to push your body away from the door until you feel the pulling force on your spine.